Color converter
Last updated
Last updated
This tool is no longer maintained.
This page is about the Visual Basic .Net version of the tool. If you want to read about the Python based iteration, head over to the Color converter (Python) page.
Convert between color formats
sRGB 8-bit
linear RGB
Preview the converted color
Save and load colors from formatted .txt file
This Color converter is a rewrite of the original Color converter written in Python. This version is written in Visual Basic .Net, and can be ran from a compiled executable.
Improvements for this version include a UI that is easier to navigate, a color panel that allows to preview the converted color, and displays the HEX color code.
This version also makes it possible to save colors to a formatted plain text file, and load them back in when needed.
Logic: Visual Basic .Net 5.0
GUI: Windows Forms
.NET 5.0