This file format is used by the second iteration of the Color converter and library, which is still maintained.

The .colorlib file is a special binary file format designed for the color library specifically.

File specification


  • .colorlib

Byte order

  • Little-endian

Data types

  • string: length prefixed string in UTF-8 encoding, the prefix contains the encoded length as a 7-bit encoded unsigned integer

  • byte: 8-bit unsigned integer

  • uint16: 16-bit unsigned integer

  • uint32: 32-bit unsigned integer

  • single: 32-bit floating point number


// overall file
ColorLibrary {
	string			header signature			// always "MRC color library"
	uint16			file version
	string			LibraryName
	uint16			padding						// always 0
	uint16			nCategories
	ColorCategory	Categories[nCategories]
	uint32			EOF signature				// always 0

// category
ColorCategory {
	string			CategoryName
	uint16			nColors
	ColorItem		Colors[nColors]

// color
ColorItem {
	string			ColorName
	byte			Format						// 0: sRGB 8-bit, 1: sRGB, 2: linear RGB
	byte/single		Red							// byte for Format = 0, single otherwise
	byte/single		Green						// byte for Format = 0, single otherwise
	byte/single		Blue						// byte for Format = 0, single otherwise

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