Color library XML

This file format is used by the first iteration of the Color converter and library.

The format is a simple .xml file, containing a strict data structure.


The root node of the xml structure is a single node with no attributes, called color. This node contains the categories as a list of child nodes.

Required children:

  • None

Optional children:

  • categories: category nodes

<?xml ... xml header ... ?>


A category is defined by a node called category. It has a required child node called name which holds the name of the category. The colors in the category are held in a list of children nodes.

Required children:

  • name: name of the category

Optional children:

  • colors: color nodes

	<name>Category 1</name>

Color item

A color is defined by a node called color.

Required children:

  • name: name of the color item

  • format: color format

    • 1: sRGB 8-bit

    • 2: sRGB

    • 3: linear RGB

  • R: red value

  • G: green value

  • B: blue value

Optional children:

  • None

	<name>Color 1</name>

Full example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<name>Category 1</name>
	  <name>Color 1</name>
	  <name>Color 2</name>
	<name>Category 2</name>

Last updated