Arma 3 animation export options

Export RTM options

For information about preparing an animation for export to RTM, visit the RTM setup page.


File -> Export -> Arma 3 animation (.rtm)

The option is only available if:

  • there is an armature selected in the scene, with 1 bone at least

  • the selected armature has an assigned animation action

  • there is a skeleton definition in the scene data


Static Pose

Export the currently selected frame as a static pose.

Force Lowercase

Export all bone names as lowercase.


The skeleton definition to use to filter out control bones. The casing of bone names also defines the casing of bone names in the exported RTM file.


Start of the frame range to export. (The value is updated to the Start value of the rendering range every time the export dialog is opened.)


End of the frame range to export. (The value is updated to the End value of the rendering range every time the export dialog is opened.)


Source of frame sampling.

  • List: sample the frames defined in the frame list of the active animation action

  • Sample With Step: sample frames between the Start and End frames with the given step

  • Sample With Count: sample given number of frames between the Start and End frames

Since only whole numbered frames can be sampled, the number of actually exported frames can be lower than the set count for the Sample With Count option.


  1. armature bone names are collected and added to an intermadiate RTM data structure (only those bones that are defined in the selected skeleton definition)

  2. motion vector is read or calculated and set in the data structure

  3. frames are added to the data structure

    1. frame indices are gathered

      • frame indices are collected with the set sampling method

      • if no frames could be sampled, the export proceeds as static pose

      • for static poses, the frame currently selected in the timeline is exported (as phase 0.0 and 1.0)

    2. for all RTM frames, the transformation matrices of all bones are added to the data

  4. data is written to the output file

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