
Arma 3 armature reconstruction options

Reconstruct an FK (Forward Kinematics) armature from a specified skeleton definition and an imported P3D model containing the corresponding bone pivot points.


File -> Import -> Arma 3 armature (.p3d)

The option is only available if there is at least 1 skeleton definition in the Rigging tool skeletons list.



Skeleton defining the bone structure to reconstruct.

Ignore Without Pivot

Discard bones when no matching pivot point is found. Otherwise these bones are placed in an evenly spaced line in front of the rest of the armature, and need to be manually adjusted.


  1. bone hierarchy is checked for circular references and undefined parents (likely misspellings)

  2. pivot points model P3D is completely read into an internal data structure, and kept in memory for the duration of the process

  3. pivot point coordinates are extracted from the Memory LOD (if exists) of the P3D

  4. fake pivot point coordinates are created for the bones without pivots (if applicable)

  5. bone hierarchy is built

  6. armature bones are built

  7. armature bone relations are linked

After the import the roll-wise orientation of the bones can be manually adjusted without adverse effect on a possible later RTM import.

The casing of bone names in the reconstructed armature is dictated by the specified skeleton definition.

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