Add-on Preferences

General prefernces

When the option is enabled, links to the documentation are displayed in the header of tool and properties panels.

tool panel help links

Create Backups

If the option is enabled and the target path of an export process already exists, the existing file will be given a .bak extension, thus becoming a backup. The export then proceeds to write to the original file path.

Icon Theme

  • Dark: icons with light primary color, ideal for use with dark themes of Blender

  • Light: icons with dark primary color, ideal for use with light themes of Blender


The Outliner is a special tool panel that lists all the LOD objects in the current project file. Since this requires constant checking of object changes, it can potentially have an impact on performance depeding on the number of objects, and the used computer. This option is provided for users to disable the Outliner, should they desire.

Last updated