Tools to aid in character creation and animation
Last updated
Tools to aid in character creation and animation
Last updated
Object Builder tab in the 3D viewport sidebar.
Skeletons: list of skeleton definitions
Bones: bones of the selected skeleton
The skeleton name, bone and bone parent names can be edited in place by double-clicking.
Editing is disabled for protected skeletons in order to prevent accidental changes.
Weight Painting sub-panel:
Threshold: selection weight pruning threshold
Add Skeleton: add new skeleton to the list
Remove Skeleton: remove selected skeleton from the list
Skeleton From Armature: create skeleton from the selected armature object
Add OFP2_ManSkeleton: adds the OFP2_ManSkeleton definition to the list
Validate: check skeleton for circular references, missing parents, non-ASCII bone names
Validate For RTM: check if all bone names are shorter than 32 characters, otherwise Validate
Delete All Skeletons: remove all skeletons from the list
Add Bone: add bone to the selected skeleton
Remove Bone: remove selected bone from the selected skeleton
Move Bone: move bone up or down in hierarchy
Make Lowercase: turn all bone and parent bone names to lowercase
Delete All Bones: remove all bones from the selected skeleton
Pivots From Armature: create pivot points mesh from selected armature
Weight Painting sub-panel:
Most of the operators below are only available if a skeleton definition is selected in the list.
Select Overdetermined: select vertices that are assigned to more than 4 bones
Select Unnormalized: select vertices with not normalized bone weights
Prune Overdetermined: prune the weakest assigned bones from vertices to a maximum of 4 remaining
Normalize Weights: normalize the bone weights on all vertices
Prune Selections: prune bones with less weight than the Threshold from vertices
General Cleanup: cleanup procedure conisisting of the above functions in order:
Prune Selections
Prune Overdetermined
Normalize Weights
In order to only influence the actual bone selections, and exclude the selections intended for hiddenSelections
, a skeleton definition is needed. The selections that cannot be matched to any bone in the skeleton are not affected.