Arma 3 animation import options
Last updated
Arma 3 animation import options
Last updated
Import an RTM animation (either plain or binarized), and assign it to a selected armature with matching bones, as a new action data block.
For more information, see the RTM setup page.
File -> Import -> Arma 3 animation (.rtm)
The option is only available if an armature object is the active object in the scene.
Make the action data block of the imported animation be the active action for the armature.
Bake the motion vector directly into the animation. Otherwise the motion value is stored in the RTM properties.
Mute all bone constraints on the target armature to ensure the valid display of the imported animation.
When mapping the RTM frame phases to frame values, round the fractional results to the nearest whole number.
Range: map RTM frames to a specific frame range
FPS: map RTM frames to a frame range starting at 1, with the length defined by time and FPS
Direct: map every RTM frame to a new frame index
The direct mapping method ensures that all RTM frames are preserved, but it might distort the animation if the frames are not evenly timed.
file is completely read into an internal data structure, and kept in memory for the duration of the process (if the file was BMTR format, it is converted to the plain RTM format internally)
new animation action is created (name is set to the base file name)
bone-frame -> transformation lookup is built
frame -> motion vector lookup is built
phase -> frame mapping is built
bone constraints are muted (if applicable)
frame transformation data is processed
frame properties are processed