
Arma 3 skeleton definitions import options

Import skeleton definitions from the CfgSkeletons class of a model.cfg file. The imported skeletons are added to the skeletons list of the Rigging tool.


File -> Import -> Arma 3 skeletons (model.cfg)

The option is only available if the Arma 3 Tools path is set, and the cfgconvert.exe could be found in the expected place.


Force Lowercase

Import all skeleton and bone names as lowercase.


Turn on the protected option on all imported skeletons to prevent accidental changes to them.


  1. model.cfg is binarized into a temporary file

  2. file is completely read into an internal data structure, and kept in memory for the duration of the process

  3. skeleton classes are extracted

  4. compiled bones list is produced for each skeleton

  5. skeletons and bones are added to the Rigging tools skeletons list

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