
Tools related to proxy manipulation

Tool panel


Object Builder tab in the 3D viewport sidebar


  • Align To Object

  • Align To Proxy

  • Realign Coordinate System

  • Extract Proxy

  • Copy Proxy

  • Copy Proxies

  • Transfer Proxies


Align To Object

The operator is only available when a proxy object and a target object are selected. The target object must be the active object.

The worlds transformation matrix of the proxy object is made equal to the matrix of the target object.

Align To Proxy

The operator is only available when a target proxy object and another object are selected. The target proxy object must be the active object.

The operator may produce unwanted results when object parenting is involved.

The worlds transformation matrix of the object is made equal to the matrix of the target proxy object.

Realign Coordinate System

The operator is only available when a proxy object is selected (and nothing else).

During the editing, the object coordinate system of a proxy object may be altered intentionally, or by accident. This tool provides an easy way to re-align the coordinate system with the coordinate system defined by the proxy triangle.

Extract Proxy

The operator is only available when a proxy object is selected (and nothing else), and the set proxy file path exists in the current file system.

In Object Builder:

The 1st LOD of the referenced proxy model is imported in place of the selected proxy.

Copy Proxy

The operator is only available when only a single proxy object is selected.

The operator can be used to copy a proxy to one or multiple other LODs defined in the file.

Copy Proxies

The operator is only available when two LOD objects are selected.

Use the operator to copy all proxies from one LOD to another.

Transfer Proxies

The operator is only available when two LOD objects are selected.

Use the operator to move all proxies from one LOD to another.

Last updated